Market insights, data and benchmarks for financial advice

Access a suite of advanced tools and analytics specifically designed for the Australian financial advice market.

Stay ahead with real-time insights into adviser movements, market trends, and demographic shifts that are crucial for your licensee and practice strategy.

Screenshot of the Market Maven platform on financial advice
Screenshot of Market Maven AI on financial advice

Covering all Australian licensees and advisers

and many more...

Accelerate your business with powerful market insights

Instant, in-depth market insights for financial advice

In a rapidly evolving financial advice landscape, staying ahead of the curve is key. Our platform offers instant access to the latest, most accurate market insights, customised to meet your business' unique requirements. Understand who your competition is, keep track of adviser movements, and identify market growth opportunities.

Screenshot of Market Maven chart on adviser number

Customisable platform aligned to your goals

Move beyond sifting through tedious, outdated static reports. Our adaptable platform revolutionises how financial advice market data is accessed and analysed.

Configure the platform to suit your business' specific needs, choosing data points and tools that are most pivotal to your decision-making process. Whether you need insights on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, sector-specific data, or information segmented by adviser demographics, our platform allows you to select and scrutinise the most relevant data segments.

Screenshot of Market Maven chart on adviser count by experience
Screenshot of Market Maven chart on advisers by experience

Interactive Q&A for immediate answers

Effortlessly navigate the complexities of the financial advice market with our user-friendly Q&A feature. This tool enables you to ask complex questions in simple language and receive immediate, interactive responses. These insights are presented in an accessible format, including graphs and charts, helping you easily identify trends and inform your strategic planning.

  • Natural language processing (NLP): Our Q&A employs NLP to grasp the essence of your inquiries, even when complex or nuanced.
  • Autocomplete and suggestions: As you formulate your query, our Q&A offers autocomplete and suggestions to refine your question for optimal results.
  • Interactive results: The answers to your questions are displayed in dynamic visuals, such as charts and graphs, allowing you to easily discern patterns and trends in the financial market.
Screenshot of Market Maven Q&A on adviser counts

Seamless exporting for collaborative decisions

Enhance teamwork and stakeholder communication with our platform's export capabilities.

Export comprehensive market analyses to formats like Excel for deep dives, ensuring your findings are effectively communicated and seamlessly integrated into business presentations and reports.

Screenshot of excel export from Market Maven

Cutting-edge analytics for new insights

Our tools are adept at sifting through extensive datasets to unearth hidden patterns, forecast future market shifts, and deliver practical insights.

Whether it's understanding adviser movements across the industry, deciphering how many new advisers entered the market, or anticipating changes in competition, our analytics provide you with a competitive edge.

Screenshot of Market Maven chart on adviser departures

Reliable data for a comprehensive view

Confidence in your business decisions starts with trust in your data. Our platform provides insights on crucial market metrics, sourced from trusted government sources, such as ASIC and ATO.

Enjoy real-time data updates, so you will always have the latest insights on hand.

Screenshot of Market Maven chart on lapse

Get a demo or create an account today

Ready to experience the next generation of market intelligence? Contact us today for a free demo or to learn more about how Market Maven can transform your strategic decision-making.

Screenshot of Market Maven dashboard on life insurance Q&A