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At Market Maven, we're here to help you navigate the complexities of financial services market data with ease. Whether you're interested in our platform, need assistance, or want to learn more about our story, we encourage you to reach out. Our team is on hand to answer your queries and provide the support you need.

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Frequently asked questions

We understand that diving into a new platform and new way of doing things may come with a few questions, and we're committed to helping you find the answers. Whether you're curious about our features, subscription plans, or simply want to learn more about how Market Maven can transform your market intelligence, you're in the right place. We've compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about our platform here for your convenience.

What is Market Maven?

Market Maven is a next-generation market intelligence platform designed for the Australian financial services industry. Our platform collects and organises vast amounts of market data, and allows you to rapidly evaluate market performance, identify trends, and benchmark competitors - all without the complexities of spreadsheets or the need for consultants.

How can Market Maven benefit my business?

Our platform helps you automate and expand your market intelligence, providing accurate and actionable insights that guide better decision-making. With advanced analytics, real-time insights, and customisable reports, you can uncover new market opportunities and gain a competitive edge.

What markets does Market Maven cover?

We currently cover three major sectors in the Australian financial services industry: Life Insurance, Superannuation, and Financial Advice. More market sectors are coming soon.

How up-to-date is the data on Market Maven?

Market Maven is committed to providing the most accurate, up-to-date information. We source our data from trusted regulatory bodies and have direct data feeds that update multiple times per day. This ensures our platform includes the latest market data available, which is then fed into our real-time analytics engine to keep you abreast of the latest trends and developments.

How does the pricing work?

Our pricing is based on the number of markets you wish to cover. We offer a free account that gives you access to a few sample reports to familiarise yourself with the platform. For comprehensive access, we provide paid plans that can be tailored to your specific needs. You can find more detailed information on our pricing page.

What kind of customer support do you offer?

We provide a comprehensive support system to ensure a smooth user experience. Our support team is available to assist with any questions or issues you may have, and you can reach them via our contact page or through our dedicated support area of our platform.

Do you provide consulting services?

In addition to our online platform, we offer bespoke consulting services in market intelligence and data analysis. We can deep-dive into the specifics of your market, provide visually appealing, easy-to-understand insights, and guide you through strategic decisions backed by data.

How secure is my data with Market Maven?

At Market Maven, we take data security seriously. Our platform is built using enterprise-grade infrastructure from the likes of Microsoft and Webflow, and we have implemented robust data governance measures. We do not collect organisational or personal data, and instead rely on our direct data feeds from trusted regulatory sources to drive insights. This reduces the need for organisations to share commercial data with us, instead leveraging the existing data that is provided to the regulators and market participants for market intelligence.